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The Daniel Gomez Inspires Show

Nov 17, 2020

“When you really know who you are, you will rock it out excellently on your level." - Kirsten Dunn


What if you can solve the problem of alignment in a matter of seconds? In this episode, Kirsten Elise Dunn, a successful Master Optician, Real Estate investor, and author, shares her secret meditation to be aligned with yourself. But why do we need to be deliberate about  who we are? Daniel and Kirsten discuss the connection between success and identity. They also talk about the advantages of remembering who you are, understanding your worth, knowing whose opinion matters, keeping money in the right perspective, and practicing  gratitude. The world is constantly telling us who we are and who we should be. But we have enough experiences to recognize that no one should live our life but us. Join in today's conversation and discover how you can operate with control!

Be Inspired! with Daniel: 

Episode Highlights:


03:52 A Conduit Person

07:48 KNOW Who You Are

12:44 REMEMBER Who You Are

17:29 Designed To Operate

22:14 Everyone Is Worthy

28:01 We Are Not Alone

35:30 Finding Ways To Be Grateful

41:50 Figure Out Your WHY

45:00 Favorite Quotes

48:17 Ability To Control